Finally, after about 10 years of buying gear… I’ve completed my newbie imaging rig. Here’s the details of my platform.
- Losmandy G-11 mount
- Explore Scientific 127mm APO f/7.5
- Celestron C11 SCT (not shown)
- ZWO ASI 1600 Monochrome Cooled Camera
- ZWO EFW Filter Wheel
- ZWO ASI 221 Planetary Color (not shown)
- Canon 6D DSLR (not shown)
- Moonlight Focuser
- Orion Starshoot for Autoguiding
I have this all configured and working ( mostly through ASCOM) in TheSkyX Pro, and everything is integrated now running through my Surface Book.
Can’t wait for first light… Just add clear skies. It is Borg, resistance is futile…